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Version: 2.0.0

Basic settings

All settings can be configured in the Umbraco backoffice.

Navigate to Umbraco Forms tab and you should see the Payments dashboard.

Screenshot payments dashboard

UFPayments Settings

Screenshot ufpayments settings

  • License key: After purchasing a license, you will receive both a license key and a license file. Please fill in the the license key in this field.

Stripe Settings

Screenshot Stripe settings

  • API Key: Fill in your Stripe (test or live) API Key in this field.
  • Webhook endpoint secret:

Mollie Settings

Screenshot mollie settings

  • API Key: Fill in your mollie (test or live) API Key in this field.

Adyen Settings

Screenshot Adyen settings

  • Merchant account name: Fill in your Adyen merchant account name

  • API Key: Fill in your Adyen API Key

  • Client Key: Fill in your Adyen Client Key

  • Test environment: Set this to true if you want to send your payments to the Adyen test environment

  • Region: Select your Adyen account region

  • Live endpoint prefix: Fill in your Adyen live endpoint prefix