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Version: 1.2.X

Amount picker

This answer type allows you to set predefined amounts, with prevalues, or enter a custom amount for your donation. This feature is particularly valuable in scenarios like donation forms.

Amount picker answer type icon

To add the amount picker to your form, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on Add question
  2. Select the Amount Picker answer type
  3. Fill in a name for the question.
  4. Submit and save

Optional configuration

Predefined amounts

screenshot amount picker with predefined amounts

The predefined amount functionality enables users to select from a set of predetermined values. These preset amounts, known as prevalues, offer a quick and convenient way for users to choose specific sums without manually entering figures. Each prevalue consists of a numerical amount (e.g., 10, 12.50) and an caption (e.g., €12.50) for clarity and user-friendly presentation.

The buttons work as follows:

  • If the end user selects another predefined amount, the previous selection will be cleared, and only the new amount will be highlighted.
  • The "Custom Amount" button allows the end user to enter any amount not covered by the predefined buttons.

To add predefined amounts to the amount picker, you can use the prevalues field. Only numbers (and optionally a comma or dot) are allowed in the value field.


This text will be shown as a placeholder in the custom amount field.

Button color

The color of the buttons can be adjusted here. Fill in the hex code of the desired button color.

Button hover color

The color of the buttons when hovered can be adjusted here. Fill in the hex code of the desired button color.

Button selected color

The color of the buttons when selected can be adjusted here. Fill in the hex code of the desired button color.