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Version: 1.0.0

Create UFPayments workflow

First you need to create form. After creating a form follow the steps below to start accepting payments.

  1. select "configure Workflow" Screenshot configure workflow
  2. Select "Add workflow" Screenshot add workflow
  3. Select "UFPayments"

Screenshot add Payments workflow

Configure the workflow

Set the following fields and save the workflow.

Screenshot add Payments workflow

  • Amount: Enter the desired amount you wish to charge your customer. For scenarios where users need to set a specific amount, such as for donation forms, additional customization options are available. See 'Extra Customizations' for more details.
  • Payment Provider: Select the payment provider you want to use. Currently we support mollie and Adyen.
  • Currency: Choose the currency code you wish to use for charging your customer.
  • Order Description: Provide an order description that will appear in the customer's transaction log.
  • Thank you page: Select a thank you page to redirect the user after a successful payment.
  • Error page: Select a error page to redirect the user after a unsuccessful payment.

That's it, your users will be redirected to a payment page after submitting the form.